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News Letter N°3
November 13th 2014 


November confirms the success of the newsletter with 140 new recipients. I welcome them.
Exclusively in this issue: the results of our last month survey (the question was: "Do you have a formal method to manage and develop your BCP?"). Your answers are quite surprising.
This month (and probably next), we will not have a quiz in the newsletter. It will be sent separately. The question is not yet defined. It will be a surprise. I hope you'll still likely to respond.


Stéphane Hesschentier
Manager of Resilient Shield Consulting

In the news

Emergency Communications Survey 2014 - Businesses Continuity Institute - october 2014 : BCI conducted a global and comprehensive study on emergency communications plans. A large majority of companies surveyed have implemented this type of device. Among them, 2/3 have a communication device covering the following threats: fire, electrical and computer crashes, natural disasters.
These very positive figures are offset by the 15% of respondents who regularly test their emergency communication plan.
One question remains: Are these numbers representative of the global industrial landscape? It is found that the majority of respondents are part of an international group. On the other hand, it seems clear that companies that do not have emergency communication plan are not willing to answer. This may distort the statistical values ...
Nevertheless, this study is particularly important and should be read.
The study is available at:

Top business risks are uninsurable - Risk Management Magazine - octobre 2014 : a small article which puts ideas in place. A "must read" to those who think that the insurance management make unnecessary risks.
This document is available on the page:www.riskmanagementmagazine.com

Supply Chain Resilience 2014 - Business Continuity Institute - october 2014 : Another document of the BCI which must be read. The supply chain is analyzed from all angles. Companies have severe shortcomings in the mastery of the supply chain and in the analysis of the causes of interruption of this chain.
There are, however three major sources of interruption: computer crashes, weather and disability of outsourced services.
Cyber attacks are considered a major risk for the next 5 years.
See a list of consequences that may constitute the frame of your response strategy.
Read the study: www.thebci.org

European Risk and Insurance Report - FERMA - november 2014 : This study, although quite complete, does not bring new this year. The equivalent study AMRAE has similarities. Thus we rediscover the link between the size of the Risk Management team and the size of the company. We learn again the positioning of the risk manager in the organigram. Nothing new.
Take a look on the risk map (page 11) which is very interesting. To keep under wraps to challenge your Risk Management strategy.
Read the study: www.ferma.eu

World Disasters Report 2014: Focus on Culture and Risk - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent - october 2014 : The influence of culture on the perception of risk. Beyond the sociological aspect, this issue deserves attention, especially in international business.
Can we then consider risk analysis as a science if its results depend on the culture of the analyst? This question may make us doubt of the reproducibility of certain methods (qualitative methods in particular).
Read the article: www.ifrc.org

Introducing PAS 7000 Supply Chain Risk Management - British Standard Institute (BSI) - October 2014 : Quickly download this paper. Although this is a 100% English document , he might serve as a basis for a more comprehensive standard (see PAS56)
PAS 7000 establishes a framework of governance, risk and compliance (GRC) for buyers to qualify suppliers.

Books of the month

Cahiers de la sécurité Nr 24 - 2013 Affronter les crises, vingt ans de réflexion - INHESJ
Find a quiet place to read this book: it is very dense and academic. You'll find lots of good ideas  for thought as the "resilient dynamism" and an article on the crisis teams.
A worthwhile purchase if you want to elevate the debate on crisis management. Do not wait here recipes and ready to eat methods.

October 2014 survey

The question was:


The results were quite surprising. Thus, a large majority of respondents (41%) reported applying a formal  but internally developed method.

Only 10% cited the ISO 22301 standard as a methodological reference for business continuity in their company. It is true that this standard is still fairly new and needs time for its implementation.
Check out the full figures and the graph by clicking 

Resilient Shield Consulting Offers (soon in English)

Pré-audit PCA:
Vous avez des doutes sur votre approche de la continuité des activités? Un futur audit de votre plan vous rend nerveux?
Rassurez vous grâce à notre pré-audit PCA. En moins d'une demi-journée, faites le point sur votre PCA avec un professionnel. Téléchargez notre plaquette de présentation en cliquant ici.

Conception d'un Système de Gestion de la Continuité:
Une méthode complète et pragmatique axée sur la norme ISO 22301.
Cette approche répond à tous vos besoins et s'y adapte grâce à sa modularité.
Que vous souhaitiez dépoussiérer votre système de gestion de la continuité, ou franchir en toute sécurité les étapes de création de votre plan à partir de 0, la solution est décrite ici.

Gestion de la Continuité des Activités pour les Très Petites Entreprises:
Les TPE et les PME ont une réelle exposition à des risques de toutes natures. Ceux-ci peuvent leur infliger des dommages considérables et plus facilement qu'aux grandes Entreprises.
Pourtant, de nombreuses PME ne possédent pas de Plan de Continuité des Activités. La raison est simple: les méthodes PCA sont trop complexes, pas adaptées, trop coûteuses.
Resilient Shield Consulting a revu complétement ses méthodes pour concevoir un produit entièrement dédié aux petites organisations.
Ne perdez plus des opportunités d'affaire à cause de votre fragilité. Devenez aussi solide que vos concurrents de plus grande taille tout en maintenant votre flexibilité.
Téléchargez notre plaquette de présentation en cliquant ici.

New products  (soon in English)

A paraitre: "Risk Management On demand" (libellé provisoire).

En préparation: "Maintien en conditions opérationnelles du PCA"
Contactez nous pour obtenir des informations sur ce produit dès maintenant.


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