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Resilient Shield Consulting SAS
75, boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris - France
Phone: +33 7 86 16 50 17

Business Continuity Management

Maintenance of the BCP

A Business Continuity Plan requires regular updating.
Your organization changes: activities are modified, staff is hired or gets new responsibilities, a new production site is built, etc ...
So many reasons to make your Business Continuity device obsolete and inefficient.
Resilient Shield Consulting helps you to define a program of operational maintenance of the BCP that is effective and pragmatic.
Furthermore, we take in charge time-consuming activities to update your procedures.
Contact us for more information or for a proposal through our form.

Business Continuity Exercices

A Business Continuity Plan that is not regularly tested can not be operational.
Staff must be trained. Procedures must be verified and enforced. Systems must be tested.
Resilient Shield Consulting supports you in this complex process:
Design of the test plan, organisation and management of exercises, writing of test reports ...
Contact us for more information or for a proposal through our form.

Crisis Management

Exercising Crisis Team

Your Crisis Team is the brain of your Company resiliency.
Any failure in its infrastructure, procedures or its members can put your organization in big trouble.
Resilient Shield Consulting is able to build a customized exercise for your crisis program management.
Fit exercise into your maturity in crisis management, design attractive and relevant scenarios, facilitate exercises...
Resilient Shield Consulting has extensive experience in designing crisis exercises.
Contact us for more information or for a proposal through our form.

Augmented ECC

A meeting room is not an Operational Emergency Command Centre (ECC).
Yet this is what most companies have to manage a major disaster.
Resilient Shield Consulting is working on a complete revision of the concept of Operational Crisis Centre:
ergonomics infrastructure, integration of high technology and augmented reality, virtualisation of the crisis team ...
Ask us about this new system for crisis management via our form.

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