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Resilient Shield Consulting SAS
75, boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris - France
Phone: +33 7 86 16 50 17

Legal Information

Identification of the publisher:

Company: Resilient Shield Consulting (RSC)
Legal form: Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS)
Capital: 10000 Euros
Registration NR: 800 951 782 RCS PARIS
75, boulevard Haussmann
F-75008 PARIS
Publication Director: Stephane Hesschentier
Hosting Company : OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.

Site Content

The term site content includes: The general structure of the site, the graphics, all content on this site (images, articles, photo content, logos, brands, videos, interviews, audio, text, databases. ..).The site content is protected by the laws in force in France, particularly in the area of intellectual property.
Any representation and / or reproduction and / or total use (s) or part (s) of this Site and its Content, by any means whatsoever, for any purpose whatsoever, without the prior express consent of Resilient Shield Consulting, is prohibited and constitutes a punishable act (Articles L335-2 and following of the Code of intellectual Property), and / or an act of unfair competition and / or an act of parasitism forgery engaging the responsibility of those who it is delivered.
Violation of these provisions subjects the offender, and all those responsible for criminal and civil penalties under the Act.
Solely because of its connection to the Site, user acknowledges acceptance of Resilient Shield Consulting a license to use the Site Content strictly limited to the mandatory conditions mentioned above.

Resilient Shield Consulting SAS © 2015. Legal Information